Thursday, September 8, 2011

Productivity and Guilty feelings

I saw my counselor today. I forget that I dont always need to go to work on our marriage, but more for me. Especially since Matt is gone and we are doing so well. I truly am amazed at the strength we have gained together and how wonderful it is to have things go smooth. My husband no longer "flips a lid" anytime something goes wrong. We talk about stuff and fill eachother's love tank. This is how its supposed to be.

Now when it comes to me, Ive been sort of coming back into my own person since having Gavin. Yes Im a mom now but Im no longer this baby factory. I am my own person. I experience guilty feelings a lot though. Guilt for taking a nap. Guilt when Im irritated at my kid for whatever reason. I also have backwards thinking when it comes to me time. I dont feel I should take time away from him because he is my job. He is my responsibility. I feel like others will view me as slacker if I "pawn"  him on someone else. I never want to be a burden to anyone and Im very conscious of others' feelings and situations. On the same note though, I am very worried about what others think of me. I feel judgmental on myself if I dont keep super busy. If im busy I feel I have something to show for myself. I keep busy to combat depression as well, but I just as well get depressed when Im too tired and run down from being busy all the time. I see staying busy as productive which equals=not lazy. lazy=fat and since I have low self esteem with my weight, I feel like if I dont do anything all day I must be lazy and fat. my counselor obviously asked me where I get this from because I shouldnt feel bad for taking time for myself or even a down day. I need to be focusing more on myself and my needs because if I dont take care of myself first, How am I supposed to take care of Gavin or Matt? Its almost like I never want to be selfish but I should be "selfish" from time to time in order to rejuvenate myself and my well-being. Im thankful my husband isnt the demanding type "house clean and dinner on the table" he isnt that way. I care more about the house than he does. apparently, according to my mom, my dad was. I didnt know this back when I was a kid but I can kind of see it now. He is the best dad ever and isnt overbearing at all, but I do feel pressure to show him that Im worth something, that I accomplished things. I think it stems mostly from that. More recently, I stayed up in Napa when Gavin was a little new baby and my days were filled with naps and breastfeeding. I also was in a bad spot emotionally with our marriage and it was tough times. but when my dad came home, he would ask, "what did you do all day?" so I felt the need to prove to him that I was productive...I cleaned, vacuumed, did dishes, went for a walk, etc. even when I really didnt want to do anything. I still feel that way now. So I dont know. I asked Matt how he feels about that stuff like if he expects things from me and he only mentioned my sleeping dureing the day. duh, thats where the guilt of napping comes in. He is gone, so I dont need to worry about napping but I feel guilty for taking a nap still. I feel like I should be productive during Gavin's naptime instead of sleeping. BUT Im exhuasted. so Im slowly learning to rework that thinking because a nap is really what I need sometimes and housework can wait. Matt admitted, he just wishes he could nap like I can. I guess this all also comes from the fact that Im not working out of the home now. I dont really have anything big to show at end of the day or pay period. I feel if I slack on my jobs at home then what the heck am  I doing/ Im failing at my job then. I need to stop getting down on myself and sticking up for what I need. for me. Counselor put it perfectly, "We all get to come home from our jobs and rest. You need rest just as much as anyone else" Yes, Ill probably keep busy still, but I want to take more time for me. Especially gym time. Which I need desperately right now. Gavin's school started this week so we have our routine back M-TH. Tomorrow Im looking forward to gym, organizing, maybe dollar store and getting ready for the halfway celebration! I cant wait to see how the murder mystery plays out. I have a character and Im sort of nervous to play the part. Should be fun though! A nice break without the kids for sure.

San Diego Recap

Ive been too tired to update lately but Im sneaking a few lines in while Gav plays in the bath. (sitting right next to him, of course!)

San Diego trip was great BUT we got sick.

Thursday- Eyebrows waxed, oil change. Drive to Escondido Children's Museum. Shopped at Kearny Mesa Target, go thai food to-go and then Delanea and Brian's house for dinner. hung out and showered then bed.

Friday- Seaworld! Gavin started a cough the night before so he wasnt 100% but we had a nice day together. He loved Shamu and Pet show and of course the sesame street play land.

Saturday- worst day ever. Gavin was sick all night. I contemplated numerous times taking him to ER because his breathing was so bad. Got some medicines to help him. Lots of napping and TV. We eventually ventured off to IKEA for a bit, but it was exhausting walking around with the holiday weekend crowds.

Sunday- Souplantation for brunch just Gav and I. He was doing a bit better and we got more sleep. I was not doing so great physically and emotionally. broke down a few times. took Gavin to Balboa Park to get some sunshine and interaction. he loved the train museum. also took a little snooze by the koi pond in Japanese Friendship Garden. Played at the park for a bit. Then went to a tire place to get my jeep checked out. it was doing a weird shaking thing whenever I hit a substantial bump in the road going about 50mph. They didnt find anything and test drive of course was fine. went shopping and made lasagna for dinner.

Monday-  rained in SD. Sons of Anarchy marathon. leftover lasagna and baked cookies.

Tuesday- super hot and humid! took jeep to dealership and got it checked out and fixed. Souplantation for lunch with Delanea. Home for an episode of SOA then off to my dentist appointment. Delanea and Gavin went to the Reuben H Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park. I got done early so I walked from dentist over (which was way further than I thought, PHEW!) It was fun to play with Gavin in the Kid City area then check out a few other exhibits before he was in meltdown mode. walked back to the truck then picked up my Jeep. Hung out for a few more SOA episodes before traffic died down enough to drive home. left at 8pm and got home around 10:45.

so nice to be home!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

*sigh* I Love My Husband

I feel so warm and fuzzy inside. Just got done skyping with my husband and it was just so nice to "hang out" with him for 45 minute. Yes its midnight and he's halfway around the world, but Im just glad to see his handsome face and hear his voice. He got my care package yesterday- only took 6 days to get there!

I woke up at around 6 this morning to a really bad dream. I immediately hopped online and wrote it all out for my husband. I dont need to go into details on here but it was bad. Im very angry in my dreams where Im very violent and it ended with my husband shooting himself in the head. Not the way to wake up, I tell you what. I finally was able to go back to sleep when Gavin woke up at 8 (which is kinda early for him) He was wet and also super hot and feverish. Poor dude. His 4th molar is coming in finally, its been bulging forever now but now breaking thru the skin. Not to mention both top canines poking thru as well. I knew as I laid next to my growing boy that all plans were cancelled for the day. No gym, No groceries, No gas, No library. But I did call and get a counseling appt. Ive been meaning to go for weeks now so my bad dream was the last straw. My appt was during Gavin's naptime so I had a friend from down the street come hang out while I slipped out for an hour. It was really good I went to see my counselor today. We hit on all the topics looming around in my mind. Future plans with career and our family, bad dreams, mommy guilt, feelings about friends and my parents. Its late otherwise I would go into more details but Ive just had a lot on my mind. Ive been very emotional and floundering like Im trying to find my way lately, so it felt great to let it all out to her and get her insight on it all. Im going back next week too. I got home just in time for Gav waking up, still feverish. We spent the rest of the day chilling on the couch. He didnt ever want me to leave his side. I felt so bad for him not feeling well. He didnt play all day, he just laid there, dozed in and out, watched TV and got mad at the kitty every once in awhile. I kept offering him milk and fluids, including an instant breakfast and a smoothie because he wasnt eating anything. I finally got him to eat some yogurt with applesauce. My poor bubs. I made baked spaghetti tonight, which was fabulous comfort food especially when I was craving some junk earlier but decided I had plenty of food to make at home. I packed a few tubs away for a family in need plus a serving for me tomorrow. I need to get the house presentable first thing in the morning because I have my friend Heather coming over and bringing her new baby girl. I will be watching her baby for her when she goes back to work in October so we need to meet up to discuss it and hopefully I impress her with my housekeeping abilities. (har har) Im hoping Gav feels better tomorrow so he isnt totally grumpy with a baby here. Luckily, we have his 18 month check up tomorrow so we can get refills of tylenol and zyrtec while we are there. Unfortunately, he will get shots so I foresee another chill afternoon while he recovers from that. I need to get packing done for our trip so hopefully he wont be too clingy and cranky. I tried to hammer out my schedule for the next coming months. Im crazy busy. Gavin's playtime with baby class starts next week and goes M-TH every week 930-1030. sucks that ill be missing out on 10am gym class now. But I will still work gym time in somehow. I have to.OK I must get some sleep so I can wake up early to clean and shower tomorrow morning. Goodnight world. Thanks for listening. Until tomorrow.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Juliet makes a better door than a window

Juliet is ALWAYS right in my way when Im trying to type. I love her to death but seriously, I move my head to the right and so does she. Just lay down little kitty! OK, phew she did. I love hearing her motor run though.

OK so today was a good one. Woke up (reluctantly) and got ready in a pretty cute outfit I threw together. Woke up my baby and he was so not happy to be woken up early, but got him dressed and out to the door to the cdc. He didnt want me to leave but I distracted him with some lego block things and walked out. It was somewhat busy in the office this morning. I got to learn how to do some things I didnt know prior so I was glad for that but also a bit overwhelmed because I had to ask questions a few times. I know its a learning process and Im not there more than once a week so its no wonder I always feel "behind" on my knowledge of how to do stuff. Anyways. I also got to the gym for an hour before I needed to pick up my Gavin. I was bummed to see the cardio room was completely full so I had to stay in the zumba class I dont really care for, but hey exercise is exercise, right? Its too hot to workout outside so Ill take what I can get. Picked up Gavin and headed home for some lunch and a nap. I clipped some coupons, went online, snuggled with my kitty and slept a bit. Woke up before Gavin (thank you weird numbers for calling me bunch of times) but it was good because I got to chat with my husband and make all the phone calls I needed to make. Vet appt, In-home care, YMCA. School starts next week for Gavin! Im anxious to find out what time of day the class will be so I can plan out our schedule for next month. I finally woke Gav up and he talked to his Dad on skype. I rinsed off in the shower and got dressed to head over to a friends house for spaghetti night! It was so funny because I boiled a whole pot of spaghetti noodles to make my own spaghetti tonight but then got invited over to Chrissy's house. It was a nice catching up with some ladies and laughing. Gav was being a complete jerk the WHOLE time. He was the oldest kid (for once!) and he didnt want the little babies touching his toys or touching him. So many times in the past Gav was the little baby and the older kids freaked out if he even looked at the older kid, much less touched them or their toys. Came home after I had enough with his whining and got the mail and took the trash out. (YAY I remembered! I forgot last week, whoops) In the mail was my very first jury summons. I have never ever been summoned in my life. I feel guilty for "dodging my civic duty" but my husband is deployed and getting childcare is hard enough right now. Poor Gav has teeth hurting him (thus the whiny-ness earlier) then he fell back on the table tonight and totally scratched his back. Poor baby. And of course I have zero childrens tylenol in the house. good thing we are going to the doctor on Wednesday. Mental note: Need to get zyrtec refilled and tylenol.
Im watching Giuliana&Bill right now before I go upstairs and she is so hilarious. Oh and I need to get a lid for the wet cat food cans I decided but it will have to wait until I go to a pet store in San Diego because shipping was more expensive than the $0.99 lid itself. AND Im excited to go to IKEA when we are down as well. Kids eat free September 3-5th! Hooray!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I have been succumbing to drama lately, and I feel so ashamed. I am much much better than that. I usually stay out of it. Facebook can be a curse sometimes. Plus gather a bunch of emotional women together while their husbands are deployed and you have a ticking time bomb. There is no excuse for it. Im way too sensitive as well.Its just so frustrating to see others being immature and bashing something you are passionate about. Im thankful for a friend reminding me (even though it isnt what I want to hear at the moment) that you just need to let the drama roll off your back. Dont give any attention to it.

So Im glad I have another busy week. Ill be immersing myself in volunteering tomorrow because nothing humbles me more than helping others. I cant worry about myself all the time because its not healthy and quite frankly, gets boring at times. I enjoy being around others who take the time out of their busy schedule to volunteer as well. Also getting to the gym tomorrow will be fantastic. A stress release.

Gav and I had a somewhat chill weekend. Took a nap Saturday afternoon then Chrystal and her kids came over as they were passing thru and we decided to go to Sizzler with them and just spend the night at her house in Yucca. It was fun spending time with them. Gavin loves being with other kids and checking their toys out. Its rough spending the night somewhere else because sleeping is an issue. Gav and I slept in a twin size bed together because the comfy king size bed was full with kids and chrystals. This morning we hung out then left and shopped at Walmart. Shouldnt have spent money, but we never go out to Yucca. I got mostly stuff for supplies (mess free kind!) and a dinosaur and some new books. I also bought myself a new pillow because my neck has been sore the past few days with my deflated pillows. So Im very excited to relax back and sleep well tonight. We took a little nap this afternoon, but I didnt let it go too long because I wanted Gav to go to bed at a somewhat early hour. We are waking up early tomorrow morning! Ive been looking forward to making some healthy baked treats so I finally made some carrot muffins as well as some zucchini muffins. Some raisins, cranberries and a few chocolate chips might have made their way in but Im glad Gav will eat them to get some veggies in his diet. We watched some pixar movies on abcfamily.

Husband is having a busy day so I havent talked to him and I could really use him now. I talked to my mommy a bit tonight and its always nice to catch up with her. My husband and my mom. That is who I want the most on nights like tonight. I just want to cry and be myself. I want to retreat into my own world where no one is being stupid or mean or dramatic or immature or opinionated or judgmental. I realize I am not the perfect person, I actually think some pretty bad things sometimes and I feel terrible about that. Again, I need to call and make an appt with my counselor because I have a lot going on inside that I need to talk about. I thought I had myself figured out but I dont. Im 25 years old and I scoff at the 17 year olds getting married and thinking they know it all. I do not know it all, we constantly grow and change. Its just frustrating to me that I dont even know myself sometimes. Am I the person I think I am? yikes. Im kind of scared of that question. Im scared of being a bad person, Im scared of people not liking me. I want to be likeable. I want to be supportive. I want to be wanted as a friend. But I also want to surround myself with positive, non-judgmental people. Unfortunately, maybe that means an inventory of my friends. I need to check myself before I wreck myself. I need to stop gossiping.

1 Timothy 5:13 – “Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying things they ought not to.”

Matthew 7:1 – “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

yikes. I need to be a better Christian. I know my husband isnt into religion so I stay away from attending church but I grew up a Jehovah's Witness. A very strict religion. I still know and understand the teachings of the bible, I just stay away from organized religion since I was disfellowshipped when I was 17 years old. Its been 8 years since I stepped foot inside a house of worship.

Ephesians 4:29 – “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Well Im going to sign off for tonight. Its been very emotional. Poor Gav started crying when we saw me crying.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Tuesday late night we went to Joshua Tree to grab a load of boxes for my friend Colleen. She finally got her house on base. I used a subway coupon on the way for dinner but I dislike ordering through the drive-thru. Im very indecisive so it wasnt very successful, my sandwich had way too many of the wrong things on it. Oh well.

 Wednesday Gavin went to CDC 930-1130 so I could go to the gym. I was sore from kickboxing so I wasnt planning on doing anything streneous, but a few minutes before 10, I decided to check out the boot camp class to see what it was all about. Im glad I went. It was a fantastic workout with one of my favorite teacher, Debra. I did burpees and mountain climbers, I HATE THEM but I did them. I hope the gym schedule doesnt change too much next month so I can keep up this kickboxing and boot camp class routine. They are a great challenge and makes me feel strong and amazing. After the gym, I picked up Gavin and unloaded my load of boxes at Colleen's house. Then finally mailed out my husband's care package. I cant even remember really what we did the rest of Wednesday...I think we went swimming with Danielle. I think that was the rough afternoon. Its been a rough week in general, between Gavin's teething, my weird sleep or lack thereof and just a cranky emotional me. blah.

Thursday is rest day. My mind wanted to workout to keep up the routine but my body needed a rest after 3 days straight of strenuous workouts. We went bowling on base with the MOPS group (moms of preschoolers)We picked up a friend who didnt have her car so Im happy she was able to come with her daughter. It was fun but also hectic. Gavin was still cranky. Toddlers dont understand how to wait your turn. Other moms also stress me out to a point. They get too hyper and overbearing, Im just like hey, relax! Gavin enjoyed the act of waiting for the ball, then carrying it to the dinosaur ramp and pushing it down the lane.So Im sure if we go bowling just us, he would like just bowling over and over again. It was hard corralling all the little kids back and forth. Then Gav threw his first fit. laying on the ground crying fit. I walked away. I was over it. I felt like we were in public so I should have done something but I know not to encourage that type of behavior. Needless to say, he took a good nap, as did I. I dont know why, but I feel guilty to nap during the day now. Like I should be able to get thru it and clean or be productive while he naps. Lately, I just need to nap. Im a much nicer person when I do.  Gav and I ran to the commissary for a few things, like wet kitty food and also redbox. Danielle came over and we finally watched Limitless. Such a good movie! I also built a box fort for Gavin (and the kitty likes it) A little duct tape and some leftover boxes from shipments sure makes a fun fort.

Friday was also a lazy day. I got the house cleaned up a bit and we skyped with Daddy. We both took a nice afternoon nap then went to the gym. I woke up to a weird quickie storm outside. Its 100million degrees in the desert but we had some rain and thunder for 20 minutes. Kind of cooled the place down from 112 to 106 so that was nice, HA! I was genius mom by thinking of bringing the portable dvd player to the gym and strap it to the stroller so Gav sat for 50 whole minutes while I did cardio. I also did push ups/crunches and stretching. It was amazing. I hope I can keep doing this in the future and Gav will sit still. There was also nobody in the gym at 3pm on a Friday afternoon so I have to remember that. Got home and Skyped with Matt again since its his weekend. I showered and got ready to head over to Meghan's house for pizza and twilight marathon. I shouldnt have eaten pizza and cookies but it was a splurge. If we stayed home we would have been bored but I would have eaten a healthy salad or something better than greasy pizza, but we got out of the house and visited with friends. Meghan has a HUGE cat and Gav liked chasing after him. So much different than our 2 lb 9 week old kitten. This cat was probably 30-40 pounds. haha. We came back home in time for bedtime and I tried out the Rockin Green Cloth Diaper  Detergent on the diapers. Im excited to see if its way better than my regular det Im using on them now. Of course I stayed up too late talking to Matt since I took a nap in the afternoon but its so nice being connected to my husband again. this deployment is going by, I just cant wait for the homecoming. I already ordered a new vinyl sign to hang, I hope it comes in time. (Last sign I ordered didnt come in time! agh!)
Today we have zero plans. I need to clean up house, again. Perhaps we will go swimming, but that means I have to shave my legs. aw man. Winnie the Pooh is playing on base at 2. Im wondering if we should attempt another movie. Since the last time we went, Gav was a terror. My friend Chrystal is going with her kids. We will see!

Friday, August 26, 2011



Missing San Diego

We are gearing up for our next trip...San Diego!! I have so much I want to do and see. Free museums in Balboa Park and Escondido. Free Seaworld. Thank you military for the freebies! I still need to pay for gas and food but it sure helps a lot. Im stoked to see Delanea and Brian but also some other friends I havent seen in a long time. Its exciting to think we will have a week out of the desert in civilization and cooler weather! I was browsing thru for some possible cheap eats while we are out there and my heart sinks. I miss living in San Diego. I miss the person I was there. Id like to think Im still basically the same person, but being a mom means a whole nother playing field. Im trapped. My husband isnt here. My kid is getting 3 teeth this week. It takes uber planning just to go to the gym. and the guilt involved with taking a moment for yourself ruins it entirely. I never want to be a bother to friends and money is tight so I cant pay to have him watched all the time. but even then, I feel guilty. I only feel somewhat OK with him being in daycare or babysitter care when its for something important, like volunteering or gym. (or doctor appt) but even then, I take him to the doctor with me and the grocery store. (he likes the grocery store and doesnt bother me too much) But if I want to go eat dinner or do something extra-curricular, I feel guilty. He is my responsibility. My job. If I have him at cdc for the morning, why the heck would I pawn him off on someone else so I could get a break? but I desperately need one. I need some adult time. I need a date with my husband. I miss being in San Diego so much because I was free there. I was free and single to come and go as I pleased. I enjoyed my work and school. I worked out with friends everyday at the coolest Hillcrest 24 hr fitness. I went to lunch or dinner when I wanted without a toddler in tow. I went to the beach just for an hour because I could. I do NOT regret having a child. or marrying into the military for that matter. I love my life now. I just miss certain luxuries. I keep telling will grow up and then you get the freedom again! But that is in what, 20-25more years. Ill be 50 years old! No wonder my mom goes and parties all the time. Because she can! I dont blame her. She stayed home with us and raised us up. She was super mom. and I see myself liek her all the time. I like it. I like that she taught me how to keep a house running, how to cook healthy meals, how to be a mom without a father/husband around all the time. I am so like her its crazy. I love you mom. I hope you know how much I love that Im like you. I love having healthy habits like you. Recycling, Reusing, Cooking and Baking healthy stuff, doing kid stuff, being crafty around the house. Sure, I wish I was a size 0-2 like you Mom, but we are still beautiful on inside and outside no matter the size. It kills me that I try to be helpful and supportive to some people and they are just too lame, ignorant and immature to realize it. I really hate the attitudes of some girls (no not women, girls) They bash the Marine Corps and think the world owes them something. Our Marines have far more important things to do than deal with your drama. I feel so bad for some of these guys who have these wives who do nothing but cause problems and/or slack on supporting their husband. I just dont understand it. I continue to attend workshops/events to better myself, get out of the house but most importantly understand my husband's job! I will never know everything but every time I learn more of the history, etc, I am so proud and honored to be a part of this life. I just wish others took the time to look outside of your own little world and know its not about YOU! We are taken care of so well. I am thankful for the basic benefits we receive but also the other little perks. Like our trip to San Diego and the free admissions to places. How amazing is that? I love museums and I hope Gavin grows up and gets to remember all these fun things like I remember the fun stuff my mom took us to do. Im thankful Im able to stay home and be so involved in Gavin's life, I just wish Matthew was able to too. To the military, my amazing mom, and my wonderful husband. Thank you for all you did and still do.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kings of Leon

Recorded the KOL documentary from Showtime so Ive been watching little by little. Love it. And its also interesting to see my facebook status on this day in 2010 that I was dancing to Kings of Leon with Gavin. We had quite the busy few days. Yesterday, Monday, Gav went to CDC in the morning while I got my workout in. I did 3 miles on elliptical total and tried the zumba tone class. First 30 minutes were a great strength training workout, but then the zumba portion of the class was not my cup of tea. The teacher has fantastic energy but I didnt care for her dance and lack of "flow" I left after 30 minutes of trying the class. She had the stereo all messed up- my ears were ringing. I went back to the elliptical and finished out my time before I needed to pick up Gavin. Poor guy was upset when I picked him up He is getting 3 new teeth right now and just isnt feeling 100% I didnt get enough sleep the night before either so we had a lazy day after the gym/cdc time. I had my free massage from Lincoln and the lady worked on my legs and my left heel the most because my plantar fascitis is killing me. Danielle came and sat at house while Gav napped. It was actually a pretty crappy night. I feel my throat hurting a bit and my head and heel was hurting too.

Today was long. woke up early, my new babysitter came at 7:30am and of course my 7:15 alarm went off but I kept laying there and ding dong! Whoops. Showed him around and got ready. I volunteered at relief society for a short time then headed to gym for kickboxing class. I am so glad I pushed and went. I was tired and my throat was hurting but man. I love kickboxing. Such an awesome workout, a good challenge and a fantastic stress relief. I came home and babysitter and Gav had a great time. I got all settled in about to take a nap then Im so glad I looked at my calendar app because DUH! I had a coping with deployment workshop this afternoon. So Gav got a quickie nap and I got a shower and we headed back out in 110* heat. He played with the kids at childcare and I sat with my fellow wife friends talking about challenges we face for deployment. I kind of had a hard time holding back tears. Its a big reality check to me that my husband will be going back to combat in just a years time. He very much has PTSD and we have dealt with issues pertaining to his behavior, etc. Im scared. Im nervous. Im anxious. I feel helpless. I feel supportive but also one needing support. The best thing the girls today said was to stay in the here and now. Dont keep thinking of the What Ifs? Im so thankful and grateful we arent alone in this and we have so many resources available to us. I made lots of notes during the chat we had with the base counselor. I need to make an appointment to check-in with my counselor because I think I need to address these fears now. Im apprehensive in regards to when? when will we have a break from deployments? When will we get time together as a family when it isnt just pre/post deployment leave or in between weeks of training at a time? My husband, I love him, but he is a Marine first and foremost. He has done this job for years and it is who he is. Since he lost his friend in Afghanistan, he feels he must go there. He lost friends at other times too.There is lots more I could talk about but Im going to leave it at this right now. I am thankful for my better understanding of this lifestyle and why he does things he does. He truly has endured so much and sacrificed himself for our country, as corny as it sounds but its true. I just hope nothing bad happens. Its hard to think perhaps he has pushed his luck and this will be the deployment that something goes wrong. i dont know. I have to stay in this reality. And the reality is, he will come home in a few months and we will be together again. We will try to make another baby together and Gavin will get his Dad to play with. I feel like we are doing so great I dont want anything to stand in our path of happiness, but I feel pessimistic like challenges will come again. Of course they will. I have to trust we are strong enough for it, heavens knows we have been strengthened before.

So as I head to bed with the sounds of KOL in my head, I will be longing for the day when my husband gets to lay next to me in bed. I will wake up in the morning ready for another day with our sweet son. I will get to cuddle with our new kitty Juliet. I will finally send his care package off to remind him of home. I will continue to better myself and help others when I can. I will nuture my amazing friendships with the ones who understand this military life the most.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Late Sunday night

Its pretty late but I just need to blog it out before bed.

  • Got our new baby kitty on Friday! She is sooo sweet and cuddly. Gavin gets down on the floor and says in a high pitched voice, "HI KITTY!" Hes doing OK with her, I keep reminding him to be gentle. He really is just hugging her but Im scared he will do damage. She has acclimated well so far. She uses her box, hurray! She sleeps in bed with me (Sorry Matt) She always wants to see me and be near me. Right now she is laying on my chest sleeping while I type. I cant complain...except when she is attacking the computer as I try to type, haha. Her name is Penny, so far. Im not super thrilled but I cant really figure out what else to name her. Her brothers name is Bolt. He has a cool lightning bolt marking on his foot. The movie BOLT the girls name is Penny, so thats where it came from. I need to get her first vet visit scheduled.
  • I finally saw a picture of my husband at work today. FINALLY! He always hides from the cameras. He is so handsome and I cant wait to talk to him again. Today has gone by slow because I thought for sure he would come online but nothing yet. I know he has arrived back to his home camp, so he must be busy with work.
  • Thursday night we had friends over
  • Friday we stayed home for the most part. Slept in. Played with our new kitty. Visited Danielle to see her baby girl stuff and wittle newborn size cloth diapers. so cute. Im officially spending way too much on stuff for her daughter, haha. Its so tempting because girl stuff-especially cloth diapers- are waaaay cute. Danielle came over Friday night and we watched a movie and chatted the night away. I also cleaned upstairs (finally!)
  • Saturday we were supposed to go to two events in the morning but Gav was up during the night teething and my sweet kitty decided 5am was a good time to chase her tail in the bed.Stayed home, relaxed and made bullseyes for breakfast. We didnt make it out until the afternoon when we met up with Jeana and her boys to go to Pioneertown. We watched the Pioneertown Posse Show and also grabbed food at Pappy&Harriets. I have been craving their delicious steak salad for weeks now, so that was amazing. Jeana and I have a lot in common so Im so grateful to have a wonderful friend in her.  Came home and rested. Then had a quiet, boring night. I could have done more productive things but I was bored. I baked cookies, watched Despicable Me with Gavin, texted friends, and cleaned house.
  • Today, Sunday, We slept in again. Kind of becoming a thing again, which will change soon since school will start. It was a crafty day- Gavin and I painted the inside of a care package box for my husband so we needed to put water in teh pool out back to wash the paint off. Then Gav had a good nap while I laid on couch (with a kitty laying on me) and watched SATC. I also started decorating a wipes box with mod podge. Then we headed out to grab ice cream, which we brought to the family pool here on base and had a fun afternoon swimming. Gavin has zero fear of the water. He lets go of me and tries to swim away so I started letting him and he goes underwater but is pretty OK with it. He is quite the little swimmer. He loves to count, "1,2,3!" and jumps in. I cant wait to go swimming with my husband. He is missing all these fun things. It felt nice to be in the sun, and there were barely any people there. We came home and my friend Jessie said she was coming over. So I quickly cleaned up a bit and started some dinner while Gav chilled on the couch. I made stir fry with tofu and steamed rice. YUM YUM YUM. I also put the finishing touches on the wipes box. Its kind of ghetto if you look close but it didnt turn out half bad. The good news is, there are always more wipes boxes to decorate. Baby Braelynn will probably get a really cute girly one now that I tested it out on Gavin's. It was so nice catching up with Jessie. We used to work together so we havent had time together in a long time. Her son is 3 so he and Gavin tore the house up, running amuck. Terrorizing the kitty too, poor thing. It was a good night nonetheless. 
  • Looking forward to this week and getting back to the gym. Also feeling hopeful about a new babysitter for Gavin so I can have regular gym time without worrying about the CDC being full or not.
Goodnight. I love you Matthew. I cant wait to talk to you. <3

Friday, August 19, 2011

so busy

Here is a quick run-down of the goings ons around here. I would love to elaborate but its midnight and Im just tired.
-mops funfest. feathers. firetruck.
-feeling rebellious. very rebellious.
-sushi & movie.
-talked to husband finally *happy dance*
-finally cleaned, downstairs and up.
-music soothes my soul, thank you pandora on my phone.
-working out
-kids banned from coming to gym. SO PISSED.
-cdc too full. irritating.
-get him to the greek
-ice cream social
-ipac presentation at nmcrs
-new kitty tomorrow
-cute cloth diaper find. bug on a rug.
-trip to san diego coming up and possibly tennessee as well!
-disappointing gel manicure
-rescue me <3
-need to try sons of anarchy- watch from beginning
-dinner with friends tonight. lasagna, dominoes, kids playing, holding tiny baby girl
-cant wait for scentsy to come in
-too hot outside but swimming in evenings rocks
-gavin doing new, cute things daily
-new fabric softener. amazing.
-need to do crafty projects
-going to pioneertown
-need to bake cookies for brunch & husband care package

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Busy Thursday

Its amazing what sleep does for a person. I am so thankful to sleep through the night again. Gavin is getting back into the groove of sleeping in his crib by himself. Tonight he didnt cry at all so Im happy about that. I said "goodnight, I love you, see you in the morning" and he reached up and waved and said, "Nii Nii!" and closed his eyes. amazing.

We had a nice day. Woke up before Gav did, made the call for a doctor appointment and much to my surprise, no wait time and got an appointment! Im so glad we got in to see the doctor. I suspected it must have been more than just a diaper rash, maybe yeast or something, but since Ive never dealt with it as a mom I just didnt know. All I knew is the regular remedies werent working. We now have 5 different medications- oral & topical- for Gavin's skin issues. Im already seeing some improvement and we will see if the zyrtec helps his eczema too. He took a good nap this afternoon and Im kinda ashamed to admit it, but so did I. I feel guilty for napping when other things *could* get done but then again, if they REALLY needed to get done I would do them. I work better with a deadline of some sort. So yes, there are piles of clothes still sitting around from our trip. It will get done eventually.
Got to go to zumba tonight but apparently the gym people dont want us bringing our kids anymore? Yea, like thats gonna fly. Im not happy about this and I hope we can fight it because zumba especially is later on in evening with no childcare available. I dont bring my kid around if he is going to run amuck, zumba has always been the exception that all the kids come and dont bother anybody! urgh. annoying. We all have kids and we all need a workout at some point! Some sourpuss is ruining it for us I think.
Also went to a self-defense class/workshop held by the unit. Such fun! I learned a lot and thoroughly enjoyed punching and kicking a bag. Perhaps I need to look into some kickboxing training. Im just not competitive enough to actually fight another person. a bag is good. some instruction is good too. I like the way it feels to use my muscles for powerful things.
Gav played with kids at the gym and then went to the cdc while I was at my class. He was so happy to play, he didnt cry when I left and he was so happy when I picked him up tonight, not like the crying, "mom I missed you" Instead His face lit up when he saw me and he said "Hiiii!" like "I had the best time mom and I love you" On the way home in the car, I asked him if he had fun playing with the kids and he went on and on babbling about his day. I look forward to the day when he can actually tell me in real words. but then again, he probably wont stop talking at that point. He is so cute and smart though. I love my little buddy and I wish Matt was here to experience all these things. He says "choo choo!" and I can hand him a tissue and he will blow his nose, but hes really blowing with his mouth. We also say goodmorning and goodnight to Daddy's picture on the wall. He waves and kisses him and smiles so big looking at his picture. melts my heart.
Another fun thing is I received my shark steam mop in the mail today. Makes cleaning fun! already did the hallway and the kitchen. looking forward to cleaning more things tomorrow. I hope to hear from the husband soon. Its been a few days now so I hope that means soon!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

good day turned sad

Had a good day but now Im emotional. I havent cried, not once, during this deployment. I told Matt I knew it was going to happen when I got home from our trip. Here it is. Im sad, Im lonely on my couch, and my son is in pain and I cant do a dang thing to help him anymore. We've been battling with his skin issues- rashes, eczema, whatever it is. and it kills me to see him in pain. He was screaming bloody murder tonight and I couldnt have felt more alone. Oh wait, there is some sort of creature scratching in the vent, so no, Im not alone. UGH. Thanks pest control guy for leaving such a detailed note of what happened when you came in to check on that. jerk.  I wish I could just revel in the amazing-ness of our day. We had a good time at the library seeing our friends from school, and also meeting a new friend this afternoon at splash park and getting to know her. but tonight is a different story. I dont feel good. I feel depressed to be completely honest. I hate saying it out loud. I think I just need to go to bed. Im not finding much joy in being alone right now. Alone in parenting, alone in eating dinner (which wasnt much to speak of), alone in watching shows, alone in my thoughts. Normally I dont mind having control over the remote or the wonderful quiet that is after 9pm when Gavin goes to bed. But tonight is not normal for me. tongiht is feel sorry for myself night and no one is invited.I dont need the pity from anyone, I just needed to pour it all out onto "paper" so here it is. I hope tomorrow Im back at it as usual because I dont like this at all. I miss my husband. Im just not complete without him. Im fully capable of being without him, I just dont like it. not one bit.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

wrapping up our travels

Today is the last day of our whirlwind adventure. Gavin is still sleeping and Im out in the living room of the vacation home in Yosemite. It smells like camping up here and I like that. I wanted to quickly reflect on the last few adventures so I dont forget!

July 24th- Went to the Cole Bros. Circus in Middle Island, NY. Very hot inside the big top, but a fun show nonetheless.

July 26th- Swimming at Donna's pool- such a nice set-up, I told my MIL I wish we came there everyday to swim! Also went shopping

July 29th- Date with Amanda- originally was a beach day but it rained. Amanda and I went to gym for mega mix workout & elliptical at 9:30 then got ready for sushi. great sushi at Kotobuki in Happauge. Drove back to the little movie theatre and saw Crazy, Stupid Love and it was such a good movie. Im definitely buying it when it comes out. Ryan Gosling was so hot and I always love Emma Stone. Then I showed her the beach real quick and grabbed some coffee ice cream (which im obsessed with right now)

July 30th- Splish Splash- a great park but too crowded with ghetto-ness. only went on two slides all day, but I think Gav had fun with the grandparents in the kiddie areas. Had a rough night with Gavin's skin flaring up with a rash/eczema and it was painful for him. Gave him an anti-histamine for the first time and hydrocortisone cream so he slept o.k. his eczema is still there but definitely not all flared up like that was. Need to get him in to the doctor.

July 31st- Nail Day for MIL and I. We got the deluxe, amazing pass-out in your massage chair pedicure and then I also splurged on a gel manicure. So worth it. I never ever get my nails done because they chip with all the work I do with my hands. I never see the point! Now my nails look amazing and still freshly painted, thats it, Im hooked!

August 1st- Haircuts by Dina. Gavin's hair was getting unruly (again) and Im so glad we got it cut, he looks so handsome with his big boy haircut. Im also glad I mentioned my hair because I wasnt going to get it cut, but it needed some layers. Dina does a fabulous job. Every summer I get my haircut from her, its like a tradition now. Went to library with the kids and watched Gnomeo & Juliet at their house.

August 2nd- Chloe and Liam came over to play in backyard- pizza party- shopping at Target- dinner at Friendly's- watched Rio at Sean & Liz's house. The kids all danced on the coffee table, so cute! said our goodbye's. Chloe wishes we lived in NY, I told her maybe someday we will live on the same street!

August 3rd- Packed up for our flight- played at the park at the school- Gav knocked his lip and bled all over but then kept playing- taco bell & slurpees for lunch (not a good idea before a flight, btw) took a nap- drove to airport- line was long at the counter but security was a breeze. Gav and I grabbed a Jamba Juice & clif bar then walked around. He was being awesome walking like a big boy with his backpack of toys. Another lifesaver for me was the family restroom! a reprieve from the crowds. One big bathroom with changing table and toilet where we could set our bags down and "recharge" without worrying Gavin would crawl under the stall or something silly. flight went well, Gav slept the first 3 hours or something so I watched Rescue Me and parts of a movie.I also witnessed a phenomenal lightning storm out the window. Breathtaking and powerful. Arrived to Sacramento and Colin picked us up, got gas and In N Out (the last of my travel fast food, btw!) finally got to sleep at 2:30am at Dad's house.

August 4th- Our wedding anniversary! 4 years married to the love of my life. Woke up at 8:30 had breakfast outside on porch. Went to Home Depot with Dad and also visited Sue's work. Picked up Allen for lunch at Whole Foods. It was wonderful to have a meal with fresh, healthy ingredients. Kale, barley & cranberry salad and tofu stir fry with rice. YUM! caught a magnificent nap in the afternoon then went downtown, visited Allen at work and walked Chef's Market. Gavin liked playing at the kids area but snuck a bite of cinnamon play dough and freaked out it was too spicy & salty, so I treated him to a shaved ice to cool his mouth. Also had a nice time seeing an old friend, Heather, and her wittle baby Ethan at the park where Dad was doing sound for Napa City Nights. Picked up Josh and started our journey to Yosemite (which took much much longer than planned due to my crack navigator) finally made it to the vacation house at 3am. Gav did good on the ride though since he had his dvd player. He was laughing so much at Blue's Clues and talking to it.

August 5th- 2 down- Spent the day in Yosemite- will write more later

August 6th- lazy day- napped then went to the beachfront on the lake

August 7th- today- cleaning up the house then beach again- then driving back home! I cant wait to sleep in my own bed and I sure hope Gav sleeps in his own crib too!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Night Thoughts

We went to the circus tonight. It was fun but very hot sitting in a stuffy big top tent. My favorite act was the aerial act with the girls up in the air. I liked their costumes. Gavin liked all the animals.

My husband surprised me with a phone call last night-just as we were getting into bed. *Sigh* I love that man. Its so wonderful to hear his voice.Gavin laughed when he heard him on speakerphone. It kills me to admit this, but Gavin doesnt say Daddy now. He says names of people that are around, but he isnt saying Dad or Dada or Daddy. I risk Matt reading this-and Im sorry I havent told you honey. I try to avoid that question. He loves his daddy and he laughs and kisses his pictures so its not like he has forgotten. The only thing I dislike about having a short phone conversation is that he cant tell me anything really. and since I know I cant ask him anything it ends up being this one-sided conversation and I hang up feeling guilty for doing all the talking. I want to hear what hes been doing, where he has been, where he is going, how he is feeling, etc. I told him, "there is so many questions I want to ask you!" and he said,"I know, I want to ask you things too." He said a photographer/journalist got a hold of Im now on the look out for pictures or a blurb from him. He dodges cameras like the plague so this is very surprising and exciting. I loved hearing his sweet voice. After talking with him, I had a very interesting dream...they (the guys) got the chance to come home for a weekend so I go to meet him and its very crowded in this hangar type building on base and I keep asking where he is but I never find him. I had a similar "searching in a crowd" dream during our last deployment.

I didn't know you fried eggplant before you layer it in eggplant parmigiana...?!

HBO lineup tonight: True Blood, Curb your Enthusiasm, and Entourage. We also watched a marathon of Happily Divorced last night. I need to watch Boardwalk Empire from the beginning too. but that list is LONG.  I need to watch Dexter from beginning too. I cant wait to be home to watch my shows on MY DVR. not to mention I so desperately need to escape to the comforts of Stars Hollow.

Im looking forward to going home and sleeping in my own comfy bed and BY MYSELF. I love sleeping next to my son but I dont like it at the same time. His little feet find their way into my back and he likes to poke my eyes in the morning. Not to mention he is so spoiled with the inlaws- he isnt listening to me and he wont eat real food! he likes mac and cheese but I dont want him to live on mac n cheese! or yogurt. or mandarin oranges. I miss the good ol days when I shoveled peas or other pureed vegetables into his mouth and I was able to ensure he was nourished with the good healthy stuff.

Speaking of healthy, tomorrow means a new week and Im getting back into the gym since I had a few days off for the weekend (and to rest my knee & heel) I love working out and I want to make sure I keep up the good routine when we get back home. This month feels really long. We have done so much fun stuff, but man, there is nothing better than home.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

much needed update

Gavin and I have been travelling all over and I just haven't made the time to blog. I think Im also avoiding thinking too much about this deployment "elephant in the room" and really expressing my feelings. but anyways here is a list of all the things we've been doing thus far. I hope to elaborate more on each one at a later date.

June 25-27- Andy & Kelley's house- played at park and in pool with the cousins. had amazing Italian dinner in backyard
June 27- Drive to Napa. Awesome drive- stopped a few times to keep our sanity but Gav is such a trooper.
Napa- went to parks, gym, dinner with family, tried a movie (unsuccessful, btw) hung out with brothers, baked bread with Allen, shopping, Chef's Market in downtown Napa, Scientopia, swimming at Ted's
July 2&3- Ft. Bragg- Jug Handle Creek Farm for Meme's 70th Birthday Party. Visited with cousins, aunts & uncles. hiked to the beach, sang songs, ate amazing food, bubbles, whoopie cushion, Colin slept in our room with 2 small beds, driving with dad in suburban
July 4- Nightmare at the airport- I was feeling really sick, sat on plane at the gate with screaming kid for 2 hours, flight cancelled, re-booked flight, back to Napa. needed a few days to recoup
July 6- Attempt #2 flying to New York. way better time- sat in 1st row, lots of room for toddler to be happy during 5 hour plane ride.
Long Island- lots of sun, beach, playing outside, reading books, seeing the Fennesseys, retail therapy, Bad Teacher, library, classes at the gym, movie night-Rango & Hall Pass,pedicures, Friendly's
July 9- Heather & John's Wedding
July 16&17- Go upstate to Joyce & Angelo's for a visit
July 20- Museum Day- Blue Star Families- Cradle of Aviation, Nassau Count Firefighters Museum, Long Island Children's Museum
July 21-Target & lunch with Liz & fam
July 22- Smith Haven Mall- Cheesecake Factory-Captain America 3D
July 23- lil Chris's Birthday Party (its really hot out!)

I haven't heard from Matt in 2 weeks. He emailed a few times and called once but now Im just waiting to hear from him again. Being in his hometown really makes me miss him. Everything we do reminds me of him. I haven't shed tears during this deployment but I have a feeling once Im home in my own environment, in my own comforts I will let it all out. There is that pit in my stomach (Matt says he has the same feeling)

Gavin is growing so much every day and I am feeling guilty that Matt is missing it. He needs a haircut and a part of me doesn't want to just because I want things to be the same when Matt gets home but I know that is impossible. I know I shouldn't feel guilty, Matt probably feels guilty- these are all normal feelings. Its just hard. We are having fun, but its just not the same without him. Gavin says: GO! and WHOA. along with the regular, Mom, Nan, PA, yes, shoe, juice, dog, moo, woof.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Weekend

  • Brunch Saturday morning with the company spouses. 
    • very nice seeing some and meeting others! fantastic breakfast food. I made savory bacon, cheese and scallion scones as well as sweet raisin cranberry scones.
  • Gavin woke up feverish, so we didn't stay as long as I would have liked at the brunch- hung out all day Saturday in the house. He slept most of the day and cuddled with me. I felt antsy as I haven't had down time like this in a long time. I watched Pearl Harbor and some design shows.
  • My dear Courtney came bearing food for me and we visited for a few minutes. She showed up right as I was about to lose it, I sure do love that girl. (Gavin was leaking poop all over the place at some point last night)

  • Sunday morning we slept in, seeing as we were up a bit during the night. 
  • Abby invited us to The Mango Hut for lunch, and even though I was going to decline for money reasons, I'm so glad we went! It was a great spot for food and atmosphere and Gavin was awesome too! I cant wait to go again and order something different.
  • Took some random pictures on the lot, I loved the old buildings. I sure wish our family portraits were taken there, but there is always a next time!
  • Gav and I spent the rest of the day at home. We have another busy week ahead of us and he was still acting a little cranky (no fever!) He also hasn't been eating or drinking that much. 
  • Talked to all the parents in my life on the phone/skype, so that's always fun.
  • Husband had duty so I haven't chatted much with him. I'm anxiously waiting to hear if he has completed the paperwork we desperately need done. Crossing my fingers!
  • Everyone and their mom is pregnant right now.
The huge 5-load pile of laundry on my bed isn't going to fold itself, so that's what Ill be doing before bed. Need to be somewhat ready for the week ahead because after this week we will be out of town for 1.5 months! My motivation for everything has been sorely lacking the past 24 hours.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Fabulous Friday

Had a pretty good day- a nice change from the last few funky days. Had to wake up early to welcome Tristian in, as his mom needed me to babysit for the day. Seeing him and Gav play is so fun. Yes, there were a few moments where they stole eachother's toy, or I had to take the plastic golf clubs away due to hitting. But what else do you expect from 15 month olds?? We field tripped to the splash park and it was really beautiful out! Its been tremendously hot this week but it was a nice 90 out while we were there at 10am and I dont think temps went over 95 today. Nice and cool! haha. Unfortunately, T man didnt nap for very long so that proved to be a trying afternoon as he was just dog tired by the time his mom came back from work. Both boys were climbing all over me and needing attention. A glimpse into my future when we have more children!

It makes me happy and fills my love tank being able to talk to my husband throughout the day. I told him tonight that sometimes I feel like we get to talk more while he is gone than we do when he is home. When he is home there are distractions and things to do. When he is away we make the time to communicate with eachother and focus more on it. Although he said he feels like we talk a lot when we're together too, and he is right. We love and miss eachother.

I am so so grateful for my wonderful friends. I have kind of been on overdrive with a busy calendar and all, so Im glad Courtney invited us over for dinner tonight. I would have never thought of it because I feel like my brain is fried. We had no plans (and none for the weekend, either) and getting out of the house is definitely good. Passes the time quicker and wears gavin out for bed! We made a yummy dinner- salad and tator tot casserole. (never had it before!) and also iced some cupcakes. I uploaded some pictures from a disk and then we caught up on some gypsy wedding and extreme couponing episodes all while talking, playing with gav and petting the doggies. I would love to adopt a working dog- so well behaved and smart! I feel so comfortable with Gavin and the dogs because he can pet or touch or put his foot in his face and he doesnt care in the slightest. He just enjoys your love and attention.

So we are home now and Gavin is sleeping in his bed. I have talked to my love for a bit and even caught a few minutes of sexy Christian Bale Batman but now im heading to bed. Ill be waking up early in the morning to bake some bacon and cheese scones. Wish me luck, I hope they turn out as great as they sound. Turns out, coming up with a brunch dish is kind of difficult!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

still feeling low

Looking at my hair, I realize now that the box color I put on a few days ago sure didnt cover all the way! Ive got splotchy hair that I dont have time to style properly. So I look terrible and feel terrible too. Any support for my husband is going unnoticed and unappreciated right now but I cant complain because then it would put him in an even worse mood. He divulged what is going on over there and I feel bad for him. I told him I wish I could fix it, and how I want to be the person that can put a smile on his face despite all of that. I tried to talk about good things, like how his care package went in the mail today. It doesnt seem to be helping at all. So, Im biting my tongue because I want to be angry at him. I want to have communication and love from him but he cant right now when he is pre-occupied with his issues. so I need to just wait. Its selfish of me to want that attention. but it also doesnt feel very good when my issues dont ever matter, but when he is having issues I have to walk on eggshells and try to help and smile and nod when all I want to do is cry, be angry and sleep it off.  Im kind of done being strong and cheery and positive. deployment frickin sucks. I cant wait for my counseling appointment next week... I need to de-code my crazy dreams and talk about my feelings. p.s. I dreamt I was a new Marine during my nap today. I was wearing starchy cammies and couldnt get them just right and Matt kept coming by to check on me and help me look o.k. I remember feeling nervous because I didnt want to get in trouble for my uniform or doing something wrong. ugh. deployment dreams suck.

Celery and Peanut butter

I am in a funk today! woke up from a bad dream early this morning (again) and no husband online to talk to. This time it wasnt Gary Busey searching for me, but matt. I tried escaping and hiding under a porch but he eventually found me. Its such an intense dream of fear and physical exhaustion and I really dont know why Im dreaming like that. I need to look up possible meanings so maybe I can figure it out.

 Finally had to get up and get ready to go walk with some ladies for the unit.We are tracking our mileage so its like "walking to ______" (where they are). During breakfast, husband came online finally and immediately said, "hey, im grumpy, and I dont feel like talking to anyone. Its not you, its just bunch of stuff going on and people are fuckin with me" So of course I replied, "OK I love you, Im here for you. and make sure you check your email for some "fun" photos I sent last night" haha, its true. cmon, you all do it, be honest! So after hearing him so upset I feel terrible. I wish I could cheer him up, I wish I knew what was going on. I wish I could help in SOME way. I know he isnt the only one dealing with issues. I know tensions are high with all the prep they have to do right now, and guys are getting snippy with eachother. I wish that wasnt the case but its out of my control. Sure makes me feel crappy though. I know my sleep is off, so Im tired. Im also hormonal from whatever is going on with my cycle too. Its the days like today I wish I had a mood stabilizer of some sort because I feel like crying at any moment and curling up in a ball. The house wont get cleaned, the errands wont get done, and my poor child wont have a great day either. We got out to walk which was good, I wish it helped my mood, but just kinda wore me out further. I have been so AWESOME the past few weeks, energetic and ready for anything. no crying, no funky feelings, and able to support others.and able to deal with toddler messes. but now Im just feeling crappy. And I definitely dont want to whine to any of my friends because everyone has something going on in their lives. So, I hope this blog session helps clear my head a bit. I hate being so emotional and sensitive. =(  luckily Gavin is such a cool kid and sat on couch with me to watch some cartoons and eat a snack of celery and peanut butter. i love him. hes my bestest little buddy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Had a good morning with my darling son. Woke up, breakfast of waffles & bananas and strawberries. Headed out to storytime, kind of rushed out the door and realized Matt's care package wasnt perfectly ready to ship so I left it home to take later. I also didnt have my shopping list ready, so after a fun storytime we came straight home. I dont want to brave the store without being prepared with my coupons and such. Its also flippin hot out now! Summer has officially hit the desert. I cant believe this is our 3rd summer in the desert.

My friend Mary and her son AJ (Gav's age) came over this afternoon and she trimmed my hair up, but also gave Gavin his very first haircut! I feel sad about it, but his hair was really getting unruly. He looks like such a little boy now and no longer my baby.
The afternoon was hard for me. I was losing my patience with Gavin making so many messes. He spilled my drink, then spilled my coffee, spilled his food, spill spill spill. not to mention, he had taken his diaper off in his crib and  pooped everywhere! It was my fault I didnt put pants on him before he laid down for a nap. Its also my fault for leaving stuff out for him to grab. I realized I was just tired. Little things that shouldnt bother me, sure do bother me when im tired. I finally got a short little nap before we had to wake up and go to Courtney's house. Im so glad I got a nap because I really needed it. I wish my nighttime sleep was restful enough to get me through the day, but it hasnt been lately. and that sucks! I need to be super woman right now and not take naps. but I just cannot be the best mom when Im tired and agitated at Gavin when he is just being a kid. So anyways, tonight I attended a FOCUS workshop called SNAP. It was great to learn some new techniques on how to effectively problem solve, but also a bit on relaxation. I also just love being around strong, wonderful women who I can relate to.
So on to tomorrow, another hot day in the desert. We're walking the PFT course in the morning and dropping off Matt's care package. I want to grocery shop at some point. We're also slated to go to the pool after Gavin's nap- plus zumba! I have a feeling I will cut something out. Most likely the pool. Ill be babysitting all day Friday so we could do the splash park then instead. Im rambling, but its nice to sort it all out in my head. Im obsessed with my calendar app on my phone too.  Its 11:00pm, time for me to settle into bed and hopefully sleep good. I miss you honey, I love you so much.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

lovey love love

Im so in love with my husband. and nothing makes me more happy than knowing that he is in love with me. 

‎"Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad because I miss you I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss."

This morning I woke up from a terrible dream where gary busey was sodomizing and kidnapping in my moms neighborhood and we kept running and hiding but he was fast and jumping to get us and we called the cops but the cops werent coming fast enough. thank you husband for texting my phone right then because I woke up and was glad to talk to him even if it was 5:45am. We had a wonderful conversation of our love for eachother, etc. sorry I get to sappy, its my blog! 
I dont know why I havent been having very restful sleep lately and not very deep either. I wake up super early in the morning and I toss and turn, cant ever get comfortable I guess. and I swear, its not like "oh i miss him so much" nothing like that. I feel totally fine! I sleep fine without him, because I tend to hog the bed :P Finally got up, got ready for volunteering and took Gav to the CDC again. I shouldnt have waved bye to him because he started crying again, poor guy.
So being at the office was nice, I felt a tiny bit more comfortable. Of course it wasnt all that busy! I got to know the girls a little more and helped re-organize a few things. Then a different girl walked in like she owned the place. I thought she was nice at first and then as time went on, she really started to rub me the wrong way. Always getting in the way, talking down like I dont know anything (which i know im still training, but let me try to do it first before just doing it for me!) just... i dont know. it really bothered me. I dont think shes there a whole lot and maybe I can try to avoid being scheduled at the same time. I just dont feel like she has the same lovely attitude as the other girls in the office. Everyone else is so great and compassionate and easy to get along with. We are volunteers for goodness sakes! Anyways, I left, picked up Gavin, then headed home for some lunch and his nap. Found out my POA isnt good enough for a loan we are trying to finish, so I had to give Matt that news and I was bracing for impact, so to speak, because the old matt would have FLOWN off the handle at any sort of stressor like that. but i was pleasantly surprised that he was calm and totally amazing about it all! I can hardly believe it. Quite honestly I was so used to the anger and outbursts, that now its like, a dream! His reactions are so much more controlled and thoughtful even! Thank you honey. I know it takes a lot to keep in check when under stress.
I also had to call and double-check I had a counseling appointment this evening. my standing appointment. Turns out I had been taken out of that slot for good. They misunderstood a message I left weeks ago about not being able to show up for an appointment since Matt was deploying. So, needless to say, I felt a little miffed. this isnt the first time ive had issues with scheduling with this office. I made an appointment for next week, as I would like to go and just check in and talk about some stuff. Then just make appointments as needed through this deployment. I really feel as if we have "graduated" from intense therapy. Matt promises that we will go to a session or two right when he gets home so we can stay on the same page and make sure we're good and reintegrated. again, im amazed at how lucky I am to have him. 
Those hiccups, and the fact that a bunch of my mom friends had such a terrific day at the pool and didnt invite us- dont keep me from enjoying the other blessings in my life. Booked our plane ticket to new york. got a fantastic deal and a "first class" upgrade! I am so stoked. Ill be flying alone with Gavin on a long flight so I feel I deserve it. and we spent LESS money than the other fare I was looking at. 
Zumba was so amazing tonight. It felt good to sweat out the bad energy and just let loose for a bit. The new teacher and Melissa tag teamed tonight so we got a little of both and I was thrilled. Im finally learning the combinations to the point where I can perfect the movements, look ahead (and not at the floor) and pretend im dancing on stage like I used to. I loved performing with dance. Its in my soul to dance and perform. 
Tonight we ate spaghetti, should have hosed Gav off afterwards but cleaned the kitchen anyways and we took a bath together! I dyed my hair last night and Im getting it cut tomorrow, im very excited for that. Now Gavin is asleep in his bed and I will enjoy a few shows from DVR before I can get comfy in my bed. Life is Good. <3

Monday, June 13, 2011

Another week

A pretty good Monday. Woke up, had breakfast and went to storytime. Also stopped by the Home Store to pick up some pool toys for Gavin. For the first time, I let him walk around in the store without getting a cart. He loved it and didnt want to leave! He kept playing with the Thomas flashlight, and the second we got home he got his out and played with it. He is so amazing. Today more than ever I realize he actually understands what Im saying to him. I asked him to get his shoes and he goes and grabs them! Or if I say, "lets go out thru the garage" he goes to the garage door. Its just so wonderful watching him grow and progress. 
After Gavin's nap, we headed to Courtney's house to visit and sniff scentsy. I love that family. I never want to leave, but Gav was ready to go. We got to skype with daddy for a long time tonight! It was fun, we took him in the garage and showed him all around. He also requested I look for something so he got to come with. Its nice feeling like he was there. The best part was Gavin giving him high-fives thru the screen. totally cute but kind of sad that he has to do that. but daddy is our hero and we've got to do what we gotta do! The rest of the night went well. Gavin and I had a good dinner together at the table. Nothing makes me more happy than having dinners around the table as a family. I wish we did it more when Matt is actually home. We get so sucked in to the TV that we dont take the time to do that. Anyways, Gav got a bath, helped me fold laundry, talked to my mom, put gav to bed, dyed my hair, showered, laundry and dishes. and now im watching Nurse Jackie and US states of Tara before bed. Matt is online showering me with love and I feel so lucky to have someone like him. makes me want to cry happy tears because my heart is just filled with love. love for my son, love for my husband, love for my life and my family, and love for my friends and the new friends coming into my life! Its just amazing how things work out. I am grateful for the challenges I had to face to get to this point. *sigh* tomorrow will be a good, full day. volunteering in the morning, so gav will go to the cdc. then i need to call and finish up our loan, then zumba and i think i have a counseling appointment too. the days are going by almost too quickly!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Yesterday was a great day... made tacos and tropical drinks for girls night at my house! It makes my heart happy to have so much conversation and laughter in my house, especially when Im missing my husband at home. Although, its been going so much better since I have the chance to chat with him at least once a day. I love him so much. so yes, last night was so fun. We sat and chatted in the kitchen, brought the kiddie table in for Keiralee and Gavin to eat at. Which turned into Gavin climbing on the table and smearing sour cream all over himself. Then we played Scribblish in the living room, and boy that was hilarious! Then we migrated out in the backyard for a bit, chatted some more and watched the kids play. Then finally plopped down on the couch and started a movie, Just Go With It. Cute movie. Im really glad we did a girls night and I cant wait for next time. especially since other people will be back and we can play different games,etc.

Today was officially LAZY DAY. finally! I really feel like this past week zoomed by since our calendar was pretty full! Gav and I snuggled in the bed and talked to Daddy online. Then when I wasnt looking, Gavin got into my vaseline jar and got it EVERYWHERE!! Such a mess, but I couldnt help but laugh. He wouldnt sit still for a picture but it was like, on his nose, his hands. everywhere! We had breakfast and played then took a long glorious nap. I allowed myself to take a nap too and Im so glad I did. I needed that little recharge/refresher. We woke up in time to eat a quick lunch and head to the pool. Such a nice time enjoying the sun, the water and talking with some new friends from the unit. Gavin does well in the water but he didnt enjoy putting on the lifejacket and me letting go. Im hoping to sign up for the last session of swim lessons to do with Gav. Should be fun. We're going to be traveling so much, there's only that one last session we will be here for. Another thing I want to do is go buy some cheapy pool toys for Gav since he always plays with other kids pool toys when we are there.

My accomplishment tonight was finally putting together the nametape bracelets Ive been drooling over. Last deployment I had a metal bracelet made to wear every day but this one I wanted something different, but definitely something to wear everyday. Im so proud of how mine turned out! I did one desert and one woodland with a pink polka dot ribbon and even a little charm too. they needed a little tweaking, but turned out amazing nonetheless. Now my next project (of many!) is to paint my own wood sign. I really like the wood signs that say: The ____ Family established ____. Home is where the Marine Corps sends us. and have the bases listed underneath. I hope I can get it just right!!

Watched the season finale of Army Wives just a little bit ago and it sure seemed like a series finale, so I double checked but sure enough, renewed for a 6th season! I was chatting with my husband and updating him on everything, he makes me laugh. Of course SSGT Leblanc gets accepted into OCS school. In a matter of a few years the guy has been to Iraq, Afghan, Recruiting duty, picked up rank TWICE and now OCS. like that is reality.haha. but my husband called that one. He always calls it. on every movie and tv show we watch he predicts what is going to happen. i love him but hate him for it.

on a totally different topic. Im completely irritated when people bash California. I DO NOT bash your state *cough* Texas *cough* Everywhere has their pros & cons. Yes I understand you aren't from here, I understand you get homesick for whatever your burger joint is, etc. But please, STOP bashing our local eateries, or the way things are done, etc. I am so over it. You can be proud of your state, sure, but some people take it way too far. I would never hear the end of it if  I was stationed in Texas/Kentucky/Wherever and bashed your state for whatever reason. Most importantly, I wouldnt do that!! I try to respect people, not put them down. geez. end rant.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Fun Friday

I had my first day of volunteering at the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society. Gavin also had his first day of real childcare at the CDC on base. Poor guy cried when I walked out the door, but the ladies said he did well. It was really nice that they provide his meals there- Ive been having a "block" on what to feed him these days so not having to prepare food for him was a nice little break (even if it was only 5 hours!) I learned a lot at the office. I even got to complete 4 quick-assist loans on my own. Its a very interesting position to have...The Marines/Sailors come in pretty upset or angry that they are there. The society is there to educate financial independence but also to provide relief through interest free loans. A much better alternative to a payday loan place. A lot of reasons for coming to the relief society are out of the Marine's control, its not that they budgeted poorly- sh*t happens! Its just a different spot for me to be in, Im used to giving medical care. Where I can be compassionate and actually FIX whats wrong. In this position I can still be compassionate but a little more limited and Im not necessarily fixing something. I dont know, i dont think im explaining my feelings well. The people leave thankful for the help but still stressed. Its like I wish I could offer more comfort or something. Its even a tad depressing to hear the different stories/situations people have. It goes to show, you never, ever know what is going on behind closed doors. I am very much looking forward to moving up and learning how to do case-work so perhaps I could do more to help but also work on budgets. I love doing my own budget and Im kind of obsessed with keeping it in check and organized so I like the idea of that part of it.

I am very happy to announce that the non-communication is over! My darling husband talked to Gavin and I this evening and it was so what I needed. He reassured me, he complimented me for doing such an amazing job. I was reminded that he is this wonderful man, working hard for us and has changed a lot in the past few months. The old Matt would have been grumpy and gotten upset easily at me and every little thing. But tonight proved to me that he has changed. He is the new and improved Matt. A man I can love and trust and have the cutest babies with. My heart is full and happy now. A part of me is embarassed that I let one person control my feelings so much but I have to remember we arent supposed to endure such a challenge such as a deployment. Im allowed to have feelings and emotions. Yes I have my big girl panties, and Yes I wear them 99% of the time.

After our morning out of the house, Gav and I got some downtime, then played outside in pool & cleaned up the steam cleaner and the entire backyard. including toys and pool. We are getting ready for our little girls night tomorrow night. Im very excited to have some friends over, I wish i could invite more, but my house just isnt that big! I put a big dent in my cleaning to-do list. dusted, vacuumed, steam cleaned carpets, dishes, and scrubbed bathtub (it was smelling weird!)  Tomorrow I need to do the finishing touches, a bit of shopping and the cooking. YAY for tacos and pina coladas! It really truly makes me happy to cook for others. I am also very happy to have such a wonderful group of wife friends to turn to and also support. Im now an admin for a batallion wide fb group and a company level fb group. Ive been watching My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and it sure is crazy, but I cant stop watching! Im ready to head upstairs to bed. Im hoping for a good nights sleep tonight and maybe sleep in? One can hope.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

im tired and slackin on the bloggin

Yesterday... what the heck did we do yesterday? Errands in the morning-faxed POA, p/u boxes and custom forms, commissary for fresh fruit, veggies and milk. Gav napped then we played outside in the pool, it sure is warming up here in the desert. Ive been feeling particularly bleh so I knew I needed to get busy with something, so Gavin and I went into the garage and started work on organizing all the stuff in there. Darling husband of mine never got around to cleaning up his mess and its been driving me crazy. PLUS we need to park his jeep in there. So 3.5 hours later all the trash is in trash bags (lots and lots of trash) and gear is organized into bins. The only areas that still need "fine-tuning" is the bookshelf FULL of papers, books, etc. and the joe area which is matt's expertise. I feel so proud for getting it done. Now what is killing me is that Matthew has yet to get online or call me, so I have all this good news to share but no satisfaction of sharing it with him- the one person who I care to impress. :(

Today: thrift store (half off day!) mystery shops with Melissa and Hailey in tow. also hit up walmart and sonic (kids meals for the kids) gav and i got home and had a quick dip in the pool in backyard to cool off then he went to nap. of course i finally settle down and want to sleep and 10 minutes later he wakes up. He has been such a good boy though. We hung around the house until zumba-which was a bust since the teacher wasnt there. Some ladies got their ipod and speakers out so we did an impromptu zumba class and still got our sweat on, but definitely not the same. Good news though, Im volunteering for the first time at NMCRS tomorrow while Gav goes to the CDC. Quite frankly, I need a little kid free time. Hes awesome and even did really really good at the gym tonight, but I just...i just need a second. Ive been feeling so unhinged because of the lack of communication with DH. We did so much work on our relationship and communication and Im feeling so insecure that it wont be so good when he comes back. I hate to feel dependent on him, because I like to think im very independent. BUT he is the only one who can reassure me of our relationship and our vows to eachother. Cleaning up trash in the garage can be satisfying but also disconcerting when you find pieces of paper from the past. Im insecure and I need reassurance right now. Im struggling with deciding whether to burden him with those feelings or leave it be since he is busy with work. I dont want him feeling like I cant be away from him, because I can! Im not sitting around being depressed and eating bon bons. We have been busy and social and active. ugh. its just been a bad emotional day for me.

Speaking of being social: girls night saturday night!! im gonna make tacos and we will rent a movie, undecided as to which movie yet. This will be good motivation to clean up the house (again) and steam clean the carpets too. I think sunday will be a good pool day. I also want to get gavin registered for swim lessons for mid august when we get back from our adventures in the US of A. OK im heading to bed. Here's hoping for something from husband tonight. *fingers crossed*

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I meant to blog last night but I was just tired! and a few loads of laundry were looming over my head (and clogging up my bedroom!) so I finally got all of it put away and fresh sheets on my bed. awwhh there is no better feeling that crawling into a comfy, fresh bed.

Courtney, Danielle and I attended the PTSD/TBI educational workshop Tuesday morning. It was put on by the FOCUS group and there were a few special guest speakers to include a doctor that works with marines and sailors over in coronado. VERY interesting and informative. They touched on symptoms and even the patho physiology of the brain and the chemicals involved when dealing with stress and a traumatic event. WOW. I learned a lot. I really wish Matt was there or the unit could get this presentation in the future. a lot of the guys have been dealing with residual effects of Iraq/Afghanistan recently. I also realized a lot of our problems this past year have probably been related to PTSD. Anyways, it was an amazing presentation. and a fantastic reminder that I am not alone in the feelings I have had and do have sometimes. Its difficult being married into the military but even more difficult for the service member to adjust to "regular" life. I am also more aware than ever that I have supportive and understanding people in my life. I really wish some friends would have attended this and other workshops to better their understand of their husband, etc. Contrary to popular belief, this base has a LOT to offer, especially in the way of family support. Speaking of which, I am so excited to get started volunteering at the NMCRS on Friday! I was able to get Gavin into the CDC so I dont need to burden any friends so I am happy about that!

I also made a phone call to USAA to adjust our car insurance while Matt is gone. Saves us money, hooray! what I didnt plan on was being on the phone for over 2 hours- but for good reason. I ended up asking advice regarding possibly refinancing our jeep. Matt is mad at me for not doing it yet. and sure enough, we got approved!! The only caveat is my POA on file was expired so I had to go out and fax the new one over to finish up the loan process. I really really hope everything keeps going smoothly because this really is a dream come true. We were screwed over so bad when we purchased the car, so getting our interest rate and monthly payment down is really in our best interest. I am very excited and proud of myself. I have yet to talk to matt at all- so I hope he feels the same. Its even more exciting to input the new numbers into my budget spreadsheet and see how much money we can put towards other debts.

Other than that, business went as usual for a Tuesday. Went to zumba- was disappointed it was a different teacher. I felt like we were being led by a hello kitty character. she was very energetic and very asian.(sorry but its true!) but she knew what she was doing and was really fun. I missed dancing to my britney song, but it was good to switch up the routine with lots of latin songs. Towards the end of class some guys came in and hung out in the back (waiting for the bball courts) but it was PERFECT timing because Gavin was fussing and I let him out of his stroller. After dancing with us girls for a minute or two, Gavin was fascinated with the basketball. The guys were good babysitters and kept him entertained so I could finish my workout. He had so much fun, and later on he saw basketball on TV and completely stopped what he was doing to watch.

Monday, June 6, 2011

I don't do white busses

Welp, here we go. Number 3 as a family. Ive been dying to blog the past 2 days and formulated so much good writing in my head but now Im sure it wont be so amazing. but in a nutshell, we had the requisite blowout fights on saturday. stayed up all night packing. woke gav up at 4:30am and didnt come home til 7:30. Gavin sure kept everything cheerful for everyone.He walked around accepting candy and cookies from whoever offered and even threw the football around for a bit. It was cold, but the sun finally came up. Right as busses started pulling in we said our goodbyes at the car. I didnt do the white bus thing before and I still wont do it. Why prolong it? Quite frankly, Matt goes into business mode and isnt the lovey dovey husband I so long for. (he was at home, of course) I was exhausted and thankfully so was Gav, so we went to sleep for about 4 hours. Woke up and friends were going swimming, so I figured what a great way to kill time before our 2pm movie! Packed a picnic lunch in my cute little lunch bag and off we went to the family pool. Some friends were there for her son's 2nd birthday party so it was nice to have people to talk to and the kids played a bit in the shallow kids pool. The water was cold, but it was still fun. Went home, changed real quick and made it just in time at base theatre (it was packed!) for Rio. OMG, cute cute movie! Gavin did good, he danced in my lap to all the singing and dancing. so cute. he passed out on me at the end. we went home for a little nap and Emily needed some company so we got subway sandwiches and headed to the dino park to tire the kids out. I realize now I was avoiding my house. It was so messy and dirty, it was overwhelming and I just didnt want to clean just yet. I guess I also didnt want to face the fact that my husband left.

Today was a good day. Woke up, had breakfast, ignored the mess and went to storytime at the library. Gavin is so much bigger than the kids now-but he plays real  nice with everyone and just likes to cruise around and look at the books and occasionally sing a song and clap his hands. went home, he ate some lunch then took a nap. I hung out and watched some shows on DVR and heated up some lasagna I made on saturday. Finally got up and cleaned the kitchen. Apparently the lasagna was so good, sauce got on the ceiling so I had to find the stepstool to get up there! Gavin woke up and played outside while I finished some more cleaning. We listened to Nicki Minaj on pandora and it felt good to have a clean house again! tonight I wanted to go walking so we ended up heading to the Clarks and hung out and walked around the block a few times. I didnt want to leave their house, but it was time for Gavin to get home and get in his jammies. It is now 10pm and Gavin did not have the best bedtime. We read books and went to sleep like normal but he woke up 20 minutes after I laid him down and was inconsolable. I cuddled him and tried to lay him back down but he wouldnt have it. He never does this anymore! I gave him orajel and snuggled some more. Still crying forever and ever. So I finally just went up and gave him some tylenol because his mouth seems to be bothering him and decided to just bring him downstairs with me. I dont know why he is doing this, but I sure hope its not like he realizes daddy is gone or something =( I thought for sure he would be tuckered out from playing with Wyatt and fresh air during our walk. Oh well, on to tomorrow. Im going to finish up a show or two and finally go to bed. I hope to hear from my husband soon. I love and miss you honey.

Friday, June 3, 2011


More and more each day I am feeling grateful for the challenges presented to me. Because I know I become a stronger,smarter person once all is said and done. This year has been trying. Ive heard the term "3rd year glitch" in a marriage and boy, was it ever. Matt and I surely have grown into our new role as parents and partners. It wasnt easy. He came home from deployment to a 4 month old baby and a wife who felt like she could do everything. I dreamt of fantastical scenarios of our little family living happily ever after...but hello! life isnt rainbows and butterflies! Matt had lived as a bachelor for 6 months, worrying only about himself and I had learned how to be a mother 24/7 to our beautiful new baby. I didnt understand why it took him at least 2 weeks to finally adjust to sleeping in our time zone. He retreated into the computer and didnt bounce up to help with the baby duties. I also didnt make it easy on him, I was too controlling with the routine and without realizing it, I made him feel like he wasnt doing anything right. =( Here's my biggest realization: He cannot read my mind!

Matt came home from deployment, went on another shorter deployment, went to fleet week, and numerous trainings in the field. In 2010 we spent all of 4 months together as a family. tough stuff indeed. His stress level was high and I wasnt feeling happy at all. Without going into too many gory details, I packed up and left. All my stuff went into storage and I headed home to Napa. Probably the most depressing point in my life and Matt will say the same. Countless counseling sessions, tearful conversations with family and friends, and many miles driven led me back to 29 Palms. It felt right to*try* one more time. Because if we didn't try now, then when? Coming back home to be a family together was the BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE. Matt has made the effort to be a better husband,partner and father. We have learned to communicate better and spend more time together. I trust him wholeheartedly again and we have realistic expectations of each other. I allow him "me-time" to relax after work. He understands I need a break from mommyhood too. We recently attended a workshop called "The 5 Love Languages" put on by the base(MCFTB)which was great to experience together... and totally helped us understand what our spouse needs to keep their "love-tank" full. (turns out my love language is gifts and matt's- acts of service)

So after this 3 year glitch, I still feel like everything happens for a reason. I am grateful for everything that has happened to me. We had to go through an incredibly rough time. I lost 2 best friends, but gained a whole gaggle of new ones! Our marriage is so much more healthy and strong. I feel ready for this deployment coming up. It sucks to be separated, but I know I am independent. Days will go slow, and some will just be plain BAD. but I am looking forward to the trips, projects, events and friends that will take up my time. I am most looking forward to volunteering at the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society. I have never volunteered ever in my life (i dont know why!) but this position is right up my alley. I really enjoy helping others, learning new things, meeting new people, but also an added bonus of FREE CHILDCARE! :P I love my Gavins, but he is old enough to spend some time with other kids while mom gets a break.

Thank you for reading my thoughts about our marriage today. The biggest thing that I really wanted to know was that I was not alone in having problems. Life is tough. Military life is tougher. And you never know what happens behind others' closed doors. There is help out there and way more resources available than I thought. Get out there, dont close yourself off. and most importantly, think positively! Happy Friday!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Well, Hello There!! Its time for a new blog as times are changing for us here. Of course I cant think of anything to say but check back soon. Deployment is coming up and I am determined to keep updating on the regular. currently watching: Julie & Julia while Gavin sits in his highchair eating lunch of hotdogs, grilled cheese, and cucumber. I <3 him.