Sunday, August 21, 2011

Late Sunday night

Its pretty late but I just need to blog it out before bed.

  • Got our new baby kitty on Friday! She is sooo sweet and cuddly. Gavin gets down on the floor and says in a high pitched voice, "HI KITTY!" Hes doing OK with her, I keep reminding him to be gentle. He really is just hugging her but Im scared he will do damage. She has acclimated well so far. She uses her box, hurray! She sleeps in bed with me (Sorry Matt) She always wants to see me and be near me. Right now she is laying on my chest sleeping while I type. I cant complain...except when she is attacking the computer as I try to type, haha. Her name is Penny, so far. Im not super thrilled but I cant really figure out what else to name her. Her brothers name is Bolt. He has a cool lightning bolt marking on his foot. The movie BOLT the girls name is Penny, so thats where it came from. I need to get her first vet visit scheduled.
  • I finally saw a picture of my husband at work today. FINALLY! He always hides from the cameras. He is so handsome and I cant wait to talk to him again. Today has gone by slow because I thought for sure he would come online but nothing yet. I know he has arrived back to his home camp, so he must be busy with work.
  • Thursday night we had friends over
  • Friday we stayed home for the most part. Slept in. Played with our new kitty. Visited Danielle to see her baby girl stuff and wittle newborn size cloth diapers. so cute. Im officially spending way too much on stuff for her daughter, haha. Its so tempting because girl stuff-especially cloth diapers- are waaaay cute. Danielle came over Friday night and we watched a movie and chatted the night away. I also cleaned upstairs (finally!)
  • Saturday we were supposed to go to two events in the morning but Gav was up during the night teething and my sweet kitty decided 5am was a good time to chase her tail in the bed.Stayed home, relaxed and made bullseyes for breakfast. We didnt make it out until the afternoon when we met up with Jeana and her boys to go to Pioneertown. We watched the Pioneertown Posse Show and also grabbed food at Pappy&Harriets. I have been craving their delicious steak salad for weeks now, so that was amazing. Jeana and I have a lot in common so Im so grateful to have a wonderful friend in her.  Came home and rested. Then had a quiet, boring night. I could have done more productive things but I was bored. I baked cookies, watched Despicable Me with Gavin, texted friends, and cleaned house.
  • Today, Sunday, We slept in again. Kind of becoming a thing again, which will change soon since school will start. It was a crafty day- Gavin and I painted the inside of a care package box for my husband so we needed to put water in teh pool out back to wash the paint off. Then Gav had a good nap while I laid on couch (with a kitty laying on me) and watched SATC. I also started decorating a wipes box with mod podge. Then we headed out to grab ice cream, which we brought to the family pool here on base and had a fun afternoon swimming. Gavin has zero fear of the water. He lets go of me and tries to swim away so I started letting him and he goes underwater but is pretty OK with it. He is quite the little swimmer. He loves to count, "1,2,3!" and jumps in. I cant wait to go swimming with my husband. He is missing all these fun things. It felt nice to be in the sun, and there were barely any people there. We came home and my friend Jessie said she was coming over. So I quickly cleaned up a bit and started some dinner while Gav chilled on the couch. I made stir fry with tofu and steamed rice. YUM YUM YUM. I also put the finishing touches on the wipes box. Its kind of ghetto if you look close but it didnt turn out half bad. The good news is, there are always more wipes boxes to decorate. Baby Braelynn will probably get a really cute girly one now that I tested it out on Gavin's. It was so nice catching up with Jessie. We used to work together so we havent had time together in a long time. Her son is 3 so he and Gavin tore the house up, running amuck. Terrorizing the kitty too, poor thing. It was a good night nonetheless. 
  • Looking forward to this week and getting back to the gym. Also feeling hopeful about a new babysitter for Gavin so I can have regular gym time without worrying about the CDC being full or not.
Goodnight. I love you Matthew. I cant wait to talk to you. <3

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